Built in 1827 to hold local miscreants before being taken before the magistrate in Bedford.
This sketch is in a Daler Rowney A4 Ebony sketchbook.
You may remember that I experienced problems with on of the A5 books not reacting to paint the way I've been used to for years. You may also remember that I wasn't happy that the lab never got back to me with my query about a change in paper, as promised.
Well I contacted DR customer service again to let them know the lab let me down and they couldn't apologise enough. They sent me out 2xA4 sketchbooks and a box of designer gouache (I was given a choice of paint)
A few hours later the lab contacted me to apologise also and offered to send me out some books. I informed them that CS had already offered compensation but they insisted they wanted to send an apologetic gesture also. I got a delivery the next day containing 10 sketchbooks; 2xA4, 4XA5 portrait, 4xA5 landscape.
Took a while and a bit of reminding but it appears DR really do care about their customers after all!
The paper still feels different to the touch, it has DEFINITELY changed in my opinion. I've worked with these books for a few years now and I could feel the difference in touch immediately. I am really surprised that the people dealing with the paper at the lab haven't noticed a change, it was so obvious to me.
However, so far this one has held up, it hasn't bled through and it hasn't mottled like tissue paper sucking up the paint ...Yet!
Still...I don't think I'd trust it not to bleed if I worked the reverse side of the paper as I'm used to, so I am going to have to tred carefully with it while I sketch my way through the 12 freebies I now have.
Well that was quite a good apologies !
So now you can paint for a long time your daily sketches !
Bye from a sunny Valkenburg (in the south of the Netherlands!)
So nice that they are trying..I love companies..that understand and care.
The other Monique:)
Love the watercolor Anita.
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