Friday, March 12, 2010

Cat Amongst The Pigeons Exhibition


This was the first coloured pencil piece I ever created, I've blogged it before, I haven't created many coloured pencil pieces. Since finishing it, I have had it sat in my browser in a I collected a frame for it as I have finally decided to exhibit it.
'Bill' has been accepted into the 'Cat Amongst The Pigeons' exhibition at Haddenham Galleries, which runs from 3 April - 2 May, along with two other pieces I painted especially for the show.
I will downsize the photos and upload them in my next post.


Joan Sandford-Cook said...

She is adorable and well deserving of showing at Haddenham Galleries. Did you put any pigeons in the other two works???? Ha, Ha! Glad you liked my Walsingham effort.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

This cat reminds me of a cat I had many years ago. I want to reach out and touch it. Such lovely texture and the character is in the eyes.

RobCarey said...

Wonderful work, especially a first go with colored pencils.

Joan said...

Congrats on the painting getting in! I love the title of the exhibit.