Most of my 'sketch time' today was taken up with creating reply postcards for the Postcard Pen Pals Project. However, I did manage to fill a journal page with a couple of quick sketches.
I hadn't realised it had been so long since I had indulged in a cup of tea but now the very thought of substituting even one cup of delicious black coffee with tea, quite frankly, leaves me in a cold sweat.
I'm not addicted though...no...not me!
Loooooouv your teapots! nice color and light coming in from the right. I'm luvin my coffee right now too for some reason.
*L* My English grandmother would put tea in my milk when I was a kid...I still like my (black) tea milky and sweet....have to have coffee in the morning tho...just be glad you're not hooked on Dr.Pepper!!! *L* (serious caffine there!!.....and you can drink it hot as well as cold!..;) deni..;)
Your teapots are great!! They remind me of pots in a pottery studio waiting to be decorated. I'm a coffee person, but if I have a cold I'm looking for tea!
I love coffee but in the afternoons I love hot tea - these pots are very charming!
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