Inktense pencil on cream paper - 8 mins
I took my small, square Seawhite sketchbook along to life class with me today, I thought it's 6x6 inch size would present some challenges of it's own and it allowed me to fill a few more pages for my challenge.
I started with some lead-free sketches using my Lamy fountain pen and, keen as mustard, I even managed to capture a couple of 10 second sketches of the model in her gown talking with the organiser before she took pose. The remaining ink sketches range between 3-10 minutes.

After our last short pose The organiser set us the challenge of repeating the pose using a different media and creating a sketch without using an outline. I broke open a new tin of Derwent pastels for this challenge and really enjoyed the process.
Derwent pastels - 20 mins
Lastly, our wonderful model repeated the pose we finished with last week and I worked on my gouache painting, with the acrylic ink background, a little more.
Lastly, our wonderful model repeated the pose we finished with last week and I worked on my gouache painting, with the acrylic ink background, a little more.
After about 15 mins I lost interest and found myself itching to capture our dancer's beautiful eyes, so I packed up my gouache and grabbed some cream paper and an inktense pencil before moving a chair up close to produce the short sketch at the top of this post.
Week 8 - After 25 mins
Lovely work, as usual. I can't believe you even actually managed to slip in a sketch before she started posing! I like the fact that she holds the same pose every week for those that want to do more detailed work - what a great opportunity.
Thanks so much for sharing. I'm a big fan of color, so I'm particularly fond of the Derwent one. I can't imagine using watercolor or any wet medium for fast life drawing. Go you!!
I like the glimpses of background colour in the flesh of the gouache painting. I find it's a difficult medium to correct and I normally use acrylic so I can layer for ever! x
Thankyou Casey, yes it's a great opportunity with the longer pose, I just wish it appealed to me a little more so I could make more use of it.
I think it may help if I chnge my position in the room next session and maybe take a canvas along!
We have 3 sessions left, so I have approx 1.5 hours to create something I can get excited about!
Thankyou KPW. I was rather pleased with Derwent one, sometimes being pushed out of your safety zone can produce surprises!
Thanx Jess. Yes, acrylic certainly has it's benefits!
Great work, as usual!
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