I must have trodden a thousand steps upon the gravel lined pathway that leads through the lavender towards her door. Arms swollen with goods to fill her emptiness; sacrificial offerings that will link our souls forever as one.
I have moved my materials into my new studio. With each trip I must have spent an hour just standing, mouth and eyes wide open, in awe of the realisation. It feels almost surreal surrounded by so much space laden with shelves and drawers and cupboards and, oh, so much space...Truly a dream come true!
Today I sat on my white rattan chair and created my first studio sketch, the door open with the sounds and smells of summer streaming through.
I chose my writing corner as my subject, a beautiful place in the room with a tall window beside it that casts dappled light across the floor. The table was a purchase from a local interior designer and the jewellery box was made by a local to my design, now put to good use as a writing box to hold my pens and stationary. The chair is one of a pair, antiques I picked up as part of an upholstery deal some years ago. I am told they are called "Maids" chairs and were purposely designed with a short backs so that paid staff could not get too comfortable and rest for too long. Originally the seats were woven but sadly have worn to the point of destruction, so I have made an MDF base topped with foam and decorative fabric for my comfort. It is ideal for writing and slides neatly underneath the table when not in use.
Here I will sit among the dappled light and make my blog notes, write my journal and express my thoughts and emotions through word, while gazing out across the vast Fenland landscape.
Related topics:
Tears and Cartwheels
Introducing "The Fens"
Lovely writing Anita! You are so talented at both, art and writing.
Thankyou so much Mary!
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