Surrounded by freshly cut fields and the first relief of the evening cool air, I proudly watch him. Face stern, arms flying, full of strength, confidence and concentration.
My baby...My Son...A man!
Today I went to watch my Son play cricket. He joined Doddington cricket club last season and his love for the game has grown. This year his progress has been amazing. He now plays for the adult team regularly and after scoring a recent 106 runs in a game, was asked to stand in for a District match, which he did scoring a strong 79 runs. He was promptly asked to attend another District match two days later where he scored 46 runs. This has led to two recommendations for County and all in a matter of one week!
Today he bowled his way through 10 overs, which I believe is a total of 60 balls bowled and the opposition only managed to score 19 runs from his overs.
'We' won the match!...and I managed a quick sketch to remember the occasion and recall the emotions.
I am so proud of him. Not just for playing well but for his vision; to see his weaknesses when all around him are praising his strengths, to work to better them. For his social skills; to stand in any company with comfort is a credit to him and his self worth. For knowing when he has played well; accepting it rather than raising it high and wearing his one moment of glory like a medal on his chest, recalling it when he no longer has the courage to better it and possibly fail doing so.
I believe success travels alongside courage. Falling and standing, never fearing another push forward may knock you from your pedestal, having the enthusiasm to face each new day being the best you can be and learning from the results ...good or bad.
At the ripe age of fifteen, my Son shows all of these qualities, he is truly successful.
"In my sons, I see the very best that I can be" - Anita Davies
Wow! I'm all goosey-goosey-bumpy after reading this powerful entry. It oozes with love and admiration. Congratulations to your son for a magnificent match.
P.S. I bet he's smiling at England winning the third series too.
Thankyou Jenni, I will pass your congratulations on...and thankyou also for understanding my need to cancel our tutoring session at short notice and take my Son to his match!
Hope you are feeling better in yourself, See you next week!
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