Thursday, March 18, 2010

Impressionistic Stills

I watched 'The Impressionists' on DVD again the other day and paused it a couple of times to grab a quick sketch from the still.



Gillian Mowbray said...

That's a great idea and I love your interpretation - impressions of impressions!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sketches. You must have been very inspired. I will be trying some pen & ink here in the next week or 2. I hope my results turn out like yours. Hoping I can stay away from over doing the detail.

Joan said...

I would never think of sketching that way, but it is a great idea! Both of these are lovely...quick glipses of different areas.

Kaylyn Munro said...

I love this sort of sketch! a line defines and edge and creates space, a few planes tilt and you have a great drawing!

Anonymous said...

Something about the second image is beautifully haunting. Great work.