Saturday, October 25, 2008


Sometimes you need to allow your body time and rest so it can catch up with your mind.
This was one of those rare days when I gave myself permission to do just that!


Anonymous said...

I believe Vincent would like this very much...over coffee, you and he could talk about your dreams! EJM

Capt Elaine Magliacane said...

I hope your body responds to the rest... and you're back to work/fun soon.

Dianne said...

Well GOOD FOR YOU.. If we don't take care of us we aren't any good for anything.. You are such a busy woman some breaks are very good...
The sketch is very moving.. Robin Norwood has the right idea.. Have a great day.

Joan Sandford-Cook said...

Doesnt sound like much of a rest going off to the sketchcrawl with Emma J - but hope you had a great day together. See you Wednesday if you are still on your feet??!!

Stephen Gardner said...

You speak the truth, great work.

Linda T said...

A relaxing sketch and some wise words. Very nice.

Timaree said...

Well goodness, you are so prolific it's understandable you'd need to take a rest eventually.