Doodle in journal - Created while on the telephone
Between spending time with my boys through the school break, teaching and the usual household chores, I have been adding to my journals as often as I can, painting a commissioned acrylic pet portrait, preparing artwork for St Matthews and filling ten pages in Nina Johansson's Maruman sketchbook as part of the current exchange project. Not to mention decorating my youngest Son's bedroom, writing my weekly newspaper column and getting myself acquainted with a publishing programme.
I'm charged, full of creative energy and inspiration, ideas are rushing through my veins and I find myself wanting to head in so many directions all at once that I'm pleased I don't understand the geography it would require to do so.
All of my 'to do' and 'to finish' lists are ticked, completed and I am prepared for the continuation of my 'Close to Home' project once school restarts.
It feels so good to be this organised, mind totally clear from clutter giving creativity a vacant landing strip, blood pumping with enthusiasm and heart racing about new ideas.
Obviously my already abnormal sleep pattern is suffering and I find myself heading to bed around 4am most nights/mornings and, even then, only because I have to not because I want to.
It won't last so I'll be damned if I am going to sleep through it!
I envy you the clarity and wish I had the energy you have on so little sleep. Enjoy these moments of anticipation of the creativity to come.
Ooooh Anita!! How brilliant this is! I LOVE IT...So much energy and excitement and joy !
On the group you called this a doodle...I think that is a misnomer. This is a brillant piece of artwork.
This is nothing short of glorious, Anita! All the energy and enthusiasm you talked about are right there in the "doodle" (We should all doodle so beautifully).
sleep is highly over rated. 10-15 minutes every couple of hours ought to do it. Of course in all likelihood the 10-15 minutes of sleep will probably be sudden and without warning, so you may not want to operate heavy machinery.
Billiant piece.
But then you are a brilliant lady.
Now if I could ever get this madness with the wienerdogs out of my head.......did I mention I grew up in the 60s?
Wow! This "doodle" is so beautiful!
I came here to look at a doodle and what do I see: a very clear and joyful peace of art.
Anita, you are a great artist. Keep on going.
Oh this is very cool!!!! I get the creative "can't decide which project to work on and so many ideas", unfortunately I still have to sleep! It's amazing how much stuff you get done!!!
Nice peace of art!
I can never sleep when a creativity rush hits me, my brain starts painting and/or having fantastic ideas as soon as I go to bed so I lie awake to watch, totally unable to fall asleep. Then I wake up as a wreck in the morning, after about three hours of sleep... Great start for a day at work.
BUT! It is a nice feeling, all the ideas and energy you get from it. I just wish I didn´t have to work so much when I get into this creative state. It would be great to be able to choose to stay at home and do some artwork...
Good luck with yours though, hope you get a lot done and feel happy about it! And, I´m glad my Maruman gets some of it. :)
What a great doodle. I love the bright colors.
I so can relate to what you are going through! Hope things settle down soon but your work is still amazing, even with little sleep. My eyes start to go blurry!
This is glorious Anita!! You can sleep when you're dead! *L* My own sleep patterns are....eccentric....I'm currently on a 'stay up 2-3 days then sleep 10 hours' schedule which funny enough seems to work rather well.. though I sometimes need a "nap" on the third day....this is definitly YOUR year!! You keep me inspired!.......deni....;)
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