So many exciting things going on this week...First I get a beautiful package from Serena, then I organised and declared my plans for the Summer, our lamp finally refused to work and I sketched by candlelight for the evening, my square tipped waterbrush arrived from eBay, I ordered a custom journal from Kala, three of my favourite artists signed up to a new project with me and tonight I held my first workshop. Phew!
During all of this I have worked on an animal portrait, read some of Danny Gregory's Creative License and produced the blind contour drawing of a mug, completed EDM challenge #167 draw something that needs fixing and ravished a Reese's Nutrageous Bar! Mmmmm!

I am so thrilled to be participating in a new project with Nina Johansson, Jennifer Lawson and Margaret Storer-Roche. We are having a Maruman Exchange (Inspired by MoleyX) and currently await delivery of our new little folding watercolour books. None of us have laid eyes on the books before, so this is all very exciting.
Tonight's workshop was a great success, more so than I could have imagined or hoped for. The feedback was great, we worked hard, had fun and everyone felt they had learned alot. So much so that they all signed up for another one!
I absolutely loved every minute!!!
Ooooh, almost forgot!.....Check this out:
Ooooh, almost forgot!.....Check this out:

This is a freebie T-Shirt from Vistaprint.The design is not my own but chosen from a selection of designs offered FREE on their website. I immediately thought about my 'Close to Home' project when I saw this little row of houses and quickly decided it would be cool to wear when I am out and about sketching. All I had to pay was the postage!
I also watched the first episode on the first of 3 DVD's in the Power of Art set. Episode one is all about Carravagio, I did catch this one when it was on TV but enjoyed it just as much second time around.
'Drawing?...Who needed it? Carravagio never drew a thing in his life! He'd just look - eyeball - and then paint! ~ Simon Schama, The Power of Art DVD.
Whew what a full life! You are blessed, take care
wow, Anita! I'm with Pamyla- what a full and blessed life! I'm so glad your first workshop went well, but I knew it would. Awesome t-shirt, too.
What a wonderful week! I love these journal entries too. You are becoming a marketing wiz - I think your t-shirt is aninspired way to promote your project.
I'm not surprised your workshop was a success - none of us who know you through your blog would doubt that you'd run a great workshop.
I really enjoyed the Power of Art programs and often dip into Simon Schama's book about the series.
I must try to track down one of those Japanese moleskines for myself, not to mention a flat tipped waterbrush! Great to hear you are joining in the sketchbook exchange too- what a wonderful week you've had!
You are quite the busy one!!! I don't think I've ever clicked on your sketches to enlarge them before. I'm so impressed with your hatching lines. Super!
Makes me tired just reading about all the things you're up to! Think I'll have to go and have a lie down...
First, though I must say how wonderful these sketches are; love the transparency of the lamp, for example. And a question...what's a square-tipped water brush? I've got a set of Pentel Aqua Brushes, but they are all round.
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