Harry drawing

Harry & John-Paul on the bus to Cambridge
Both sketches above were created in my altered baby book that Harry gifted me on Mother's Day. The second was sketched on a bus heading into the Grafton Centre. The first time I have ever sketched on a moving bus was yesterday, it gave me a whole new appreciation for those who do it regularly. Apart from being a very poor traveller, unless I am actually driving, the sketchbook moved around so much I thought I would go cross-eyed! It felt like the driver knew what I was trying to do and was having extreme fun making it impossible! The result is far from a sketch and unscanned.

Baby book I am altering

Harry watching The Last Samurai
The thumb sketches were created using 3 different coloured pigment liners, all with a 0.1 nib, over a few days...returning and adding to the page as time permitted. Each sketch took around 10-15 mins.

Body parts, with shading, in ink ... You're a brave lady! I would love to see your altered Baby book "in real" sometime.
I sketched in a moving car for the first time recently ... always got carsick when trying to read, but perhaps that was a left-brained thing, because I managed to draw no probs!
Great sketches, Anita! I suffer with motion sickness and feel instantly nauseated if I try to even read in a moving vehicle.
A Happy Easter to you and your family ~ :)
I usually drive so haven't yet tried sketching in the passenger seat EJ, I have a feeling it would be a difficulty though as I can't even look down without feeling sick!
We must get together soon!
Thanx Serena. I'm the same with reading...even looking in my handbag can make me feel less than healthy!
I really love the way you compose. Everything you do has a "compositional" concept that everyone can appreciate. Great job!
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