My day started by quickly sketching my Son Harry as he opened his advent calendar this morning. After returning from the school run I called my friend Diane and, while we chatted, I added a figure from my lounge clock to the page.

A little later and I decided to sketch something from my imagination.

I couldn't decide what to draw around lunchtime so....This is a colour chart I made using my new Schmincke watercolours...The first time I have ever tested paints this way, usually I just guess directly onto a painting.

My new Schmincke set...Soooooo yummy!

Just finished at 1.44am
Usually I use Posemaniacs as a figure reference but this time I worked entirely from imagination/memory.
A beautifully productive day!!!
A productive day is always satisfying, and it's nice you could enjoy the day with your new paints.
Are you aware that you can probably fit more half pans into your palette?
Great to see more wonderful sketches since I was here last, Anita. I love the composition of the one with the wooden floor and varnish. :)
It looks like your practice with the posemaniacs has paid off - you don't need it any more! I like your painting of the box of chocolates, oops I mean Schmincke paints.
Sorry not to have vistited your blog for a while...life's been very hectic recently! Good to see that the your work is a lovely as ever. I'll have to check out posemaniacs.
I love how your work just flows from you. It's as if you just put the brush on the paper and something comes out and that something is always wonderful. I just bought a book called Keys to Drawing with imagination and he talks about how people tend to overthink what they are going to create instead of just creating. It looks to me like you are one of those people who just create. I need to learn to do this.
What a productive day you've had!!! I'm impressed with all that you accomplished. I wish I could get half that amount done.
Anita, Glad to see you are enjoying your Christmas present! It must be inspiring you! Just kidding because all your work that I see on line looks inspired to me!
I just got a Christmas Bonus...wonder what I will buy with it?
Well, Anita, when did you NOT have a productive day lately? I´m deeply impressed with all the beautiful work you do, and EVERY DAY! These are wonderful, and I´m glad you like your Schminckes, I love those too (though right now I don´t have that many on my palette).
You've been doing wonderful work lately, Anita. And yes, the Schminckes are very cool. I need another box of them. I love how Harry's face is sort of ghostly in that Advent calendar sketch.
You just amaze me with the work you do. over and over again
Great visual/neurological memory to draw those figures without references. I'm impressed. Still can't "remember" more than the moist cartoonish impressions of things. Thanks for sharing. I bought a bigger sketch book that I'm going to use as a journal... I've been inspired.
Lovely composition and great proportions on your figures, Anita. What do you think about your new paints?
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