A parcel arrived today, from Great Art, with an order of art materials. Part of the order was a box of Schmincke watercolour pans, my Son Jake is buying me for Christmas. Luckily he let me open them now and what a joy to unwrap they were...better than opening my favourite chocolates!
I decided to tackle one of this week's Wet Canvas Scavenger Hunt items with them...To sketch a fake flower.
The palette will take some getting used to simply because I have worked with the same Winsor Newton brand since I started my art journey in 2003. A couple of my favourite colours so far are Venetian Red and Prussian Blue...delicious!
Other items in my package include a very reasonably priced 230gsm Canson Watercolour Sketchbook and a 12 tin of Polychromo coloured pencils.

I also painted my freshly laid, wooden, porch floor today with clear satin varnish....and then got carried away and re-coated the whole of the kitchen and dining room while I was at it!
The porch is a new addition to our home and I have decided to re-house my PC there in the new year, it is currently housed inside a specially designed cupboard in my dining room and , although there is a window next to the cupboard, most of the time my head is stuck inside with no view. The porch has three windows all of which look out across the Fens for miles. I can hardly wait!
I ordered a rug from rugsellerUK this afternoon to bridge the walkway through the porch from the front door to the kitchen entrance, I just fell in love with the design and am sure it will look fabulous against my dark wood floor and pale smokey blue walls.

Geez, I just realized where I saw that flower before! Funny how our paths crossed at WC :)
Since Jake allowed you to rip into your present early, will you be doing a special painting for him?
You have a great box of art loot.
I really like the flower design of your new rug.
You are off to a great start with your Schminckes, Anita. The flower is lovely - looks real, rather than fake.
I had to smile at the idea of you extending your house painting - one wouldn't want to stand in the way. There'd be a real risk of being varnished! Love your rug, reminds me of Aubrey Beardsley. Christmas seems to have come early to the Fens.
Lovely rug and flower! I had to varnish a little patch of floor the other day and ended up getting carried away, noticing other little bits that had got scratched.
Schmincke paints!! - I bought some recently for the first time from Great Art. Have you seen their catalogue? - It's a treasure trove of goodies and like you I felt like I was opening up chocolates. It was all I could do to stop myself eating them!
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