EveryDayMatters challenge no. 56 was to sketch your self portrait, a challenge indeed!
Strange how the face we see each day, we know so well can prove so much more demanding than any other to capture through art.
I have managed to create a self portrait each year since I have been travelling this wonderful journey of art, each is very different in many ways and last year's is still unfinished.
2004-Pastel pencils on coloured paper
2005-Acrylic on canvas
2006-WIP/Underpainting-Acrylic gesso on canvas
Capturing myself in my A6 sketchbook was going to be difficult and if I am honest I have been avoiding that page in my little book of challenges. Finally I faced it head on and enhanced the challenge by allowing myself just 15 minutes with an HB pencil.
2007-HB pencil-sketchbook-15 mins-EDM#56
Is it me?...............God, I hope not!
J.P. Donleavy (1978)
17 hours ago
You have done a fantastic job! I especially like the Pastel on Coloured paper, subtle yet beautiful. The color on the acrylic painting is wonderful too, very eye catching and vibrant.
What Gulp - these are just fabulous!!
Absolutely stunning!! Honestly, these should be framed!!
Your self portraits are awesome, Anita! I really like them a lot, you´ve managed to do them very differently too, each one unique. Lovely!
Last year's may be unfinished but my god, it's you all right! The likeness is spot-on.
Won't ask what's going on in 2005's, but you look to be having a good time. ;-)
Wow, I'm glad you shared your self portraits! They are FAB-U-LOUS! I would give anything to be spot on as you have! All I can say is WOW.
All are fabulous, Anita!! I really like the unfinished one from last year (hope you'll share the finished piece with us) and the one from 2005 is just brilliant. I also like how you've done each one differently.
all of them are beautiful! great job.
These are ll incredible, Anita - I'm so impressed with your skill and the sensitivity in your drawing. Self portraits are absolutely the hardest thing to do in my opinion - these are excellent.
These are all so amazing Anita - and it's really fun to see your range. I especially like the subtlity of the pastel on colored paper, but the acrylic is so vibrant it's hard to resist too. I always knew you were a great artist, but I never realized what a beautiful subject you are as well.
These are all so wonderful, but I think I like the acrylic best. It really has a great relaxed mood. Fantastic work.
Fabulous just fabulous..can i say more...and you are lovely too...all that talent and GORGEOUS:>
Stunning self portraits.
Hi I'm Tonniece, I have been following your blog for some time now, and your work is outstanding.
I agree, they should be framed.
Thankyou Aurora.
LOL...Thankyou Sandy!
Thankyou Brenda. Not sure I could live with one hanging in my home but they stand around the studio and keep me company.
Thankyou Nina.
My view is...We change regularly, not just our looks but our hopes, dreams, attitudes, moods...I've always just painted with the emotions in my heart on any given day. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but what ever the result, it's part of me, honest and real!
LOL...Yes, it does look a little erotic doesn't it. I was thinking 'Medusa' if the truth be known.
I appreciate your comment on the more recent portrait E-J, having met me, it's great to hear you feel I have achieved a true likeness.
Thankyou so much Joan!
Thankyou Serena. 'IF' I ever get around to finishing the latter one I will, of course, share it with you all. ;)
Thankyou Ujwala!
Thankyou Casey. Most of my commissioned works have been portraits, they appeal to me greatly and I am pleased with my progress. However, I have huge plans for my direction in this area and a long road ahead...Art is just so exciting isn't it?
Awww, thankyou so much Judi, such a lovely comment to read on a Monday morning when the shock of a new week hangs heavily around ones eyes!
Thankyou Phthaloblu. Relaxed is deffinately the mood I was after with that piece and a kind of celebration of simply being 'me', we are afterall, amazing are we not?
LOL...Thankyou Margaret...I do believe I blushed! :)
Tonniece, thankyou so much for your kind words and for coming out of the darkness to post them. I am flattered that you have been following me on my artistic journey.
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