The aim of the hunt is to sketch all 26 items on the list and the first person to complete the list chooses the items for the next hunt.
I have enjoyed taking part and they couldn't have taken place at a better time for me, with my studio in full swing I am finding it difficult to concentrate for long spells, I am just too excited. These quick sketches demand just the right amount of my attention and they encourage subjects I would not normally have chosen myself. It is great practice as I haven't really sketched much at all since school and all of the work must be sketched "from life" rather than photographic references, which in itself presents many challenges. I am enjoying experimenting, trying to use a variety of mediums and putting together unusual compositions...It's been enlightening!

I managed to cross 3 items off the list with this still life: Glass & Vegetables & Dinner . It took around 30 minutes from composition to completion, is sketched with my inexpensive mechanical pencil from Woolworths and lives in my A5 Winsor & Newton sketchbook.

This piece is also in my W&N sketchbook and took around 25 minutes. I used a black Pitt superfine pen and watercolour washes to capture this scene in my home and managed to cross off 2 items on the list: Favourite place in your home & Mirror.

One of the items was Medicine so I chose a packet of painkillers and this time used a burnt ochre Karisma pencil and sketched them in my Fabriano Journal, allowing myself just 10 minutes to complete.
I chose the half empty pill packet because they looked difficult and, although the scavenger hunts have been great fun, I want to learn something from every sketch I create and constantly challenge myself. Setting myself a time allowance adds to the challenge and also encourages me to look harder, be bolder in my decisions and looser with my marks. I am in no hurry when I work but my subjects might be so it's useful to be able to capture the essence of something quite quickly, selecting just a short chapter that will portray the atmosphere and character without the detail of the whole book.
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