Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rome 06-05-12 - Page 5

Rome06-05-12e by Anita Davies
Rome06-05-12e, a photo by Anita Davies on Flickr.
A spot of lunch, a much needed coffee and a chance to dry off a little inside the Apostoli. Was starting to feel a bit sorry for myself here, the rain had not stopped and I was worried it would leave everywhere so wet that even if it did brighten up on the following day I would find it tricky sitting anywhere to sketch. The plastic bag I had been sitting on worked rather well today but even that was getting wet and uncomfortable. In need of a prayer I think and luckily Rome does not have a shortage of churches!
The ceiling in Apostoli was amazing, as was the huge dresser and the painted wall panelling...Is there any where bland in Rome?...I think not!

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