I sketched my favourite chair in the cottage early Sunday morning before retiring to bed. In the morning I had my coffee in the sun drenched garden and sketched one of the fruit trees. Sea shells were tied to all the trees like mobiles, they made a wonderful sound aswell as looking very coastal.

Joan and I ventured back down to the Quayside, this time I took just my sketchbook but decided to fill a spread with a scene I felt one day might make a painting.

We warmed up in French's fish bar for lunch and I sketched a couple of the many people sat on the wall opposite. We visited a gallery on our walk home and after introducing ourselves it seems I may have work showing in a gallery by the end of this year...about time too, I've dragged my bum long enough!

Back at the cottage we made use of the beautiful walled garden again and sketched outside with our coffee. I had hoped to colour this but had to go inside because I had got so cold earlier in the Quay sketching that I simply couldn't get warm again.
Perhaps I'll still add a little colour sometime using the photos I took or maybe I'll add colour from life when I'm at the cottage again?

Back in the cottage I made once last sketch before saying goodbye to my dear friend and heading home.
It was a truly wonderful weekend, such a thoughtful and generous gift.
Thank you Joannie!
Oh what a wonderful holiday you and your friend had... plus a bit of luck with the gallery..heh? Not bad at all... great sketches Nita.
You can only just begin to imagine how refreshing it is for me...living in the middle of the desert...to see these lovely coastal sketches of yours...each one a treasure. What a trip!
Also...my lady...I cannot for the life of me EVER imagine an instance where you would be "dragging your bum" anywhere...What are you thinking!!!!!??? You totally exhaust me...and probably a good lot of the rest of us!! ROTFLOL :)
what a beautiful chair! :) makes you want to sit in it with a cup of tea and read all day long :)
Sounds like you had a wonderful time!!! Thanks for taking us along.
Thanks for taking us along on your trip with Joan :) Loved the sketches and how wonderful that you will be showing in the gallery!
I love the scene with the boat, it made me think of Wells even though it's about 10 years since I went there! It was lovely to find out that's where you were actually painting. Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. Look forward to seeing this if it does become a painting.
Hey Pal - forgive me but I have not entered the blog world since you posted this second weekend set of sketches. They sure look good and make everyone realise how hard you made me work along side you!!!
Great time, great company, great grub, great cottage. Take care of yourself now.
What beautiful sketches!!!
Hi Anita. That chair...I bought it at an auction 10 or 15 years ago now and it was covered in heavy black varnish and grotty upholstery. I managed to get ALL the varnish off, what a job! Motivated by the fact that it rocks as you put it 'every which way'. I love it to bits but it makes my husband sea sick. Sandra
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