Thank you all so much for your kind concern over my arm.
I woke this morning in pain and decided to get it checked out by a doctor. It appears I have sprained/torn a muscle in my forearm, although I have no idea how! I was prescribed strong anti-inflammatories and, after just two, I am feeling much more comfortable. I tend to avoid pills as much as possible but in this case...Woohoo for drugs!
It's been a full day but I did still manage a journal page. I sketched from imagination again using a green profipen and watercolour for tone, the stars were added in coloured pencil to pull my ramblings and my sketch together compositionally.
On completing the spread I was intrigued by my colour choice, I believe we make these choices for a reason even if we are unaware of our instincts at the time, so decided to look up the 'meaning' of Green...
Green symbolizes: life, nature, fertility, well being
Grass green is the most restful color.
Green symbolizes self-respect and well being.
Green is the colour of balance, it also means learning, growth and harmony.
Green is a safe colour.
Green is favored by well balanced people.
Green symbolizes the master healer and the life force.
It often symbolizes money.
It was believed green was healing for the eyes.
Egyptians wore green eyeliner.
You should eat raw green foods for good health.
Friday is the day of green.
Green jade is a sacred stone of Asia.
Green contains the powerful energies of nature, growth, desire to expand or increase.
Balance and a sense of order are found in the color green.
Change and transformation is necessary for growth, and so this ability to sustain changes is also a part of the energy of green.
Good news on your arm. I'll be thinking Green as I head in to out-patient surgery tomorrow. Thanks for the colour green. No doubt the reason why green was so popular for hospital room and surgeon srubs for so long.
Pretty journal spread. Good news about your arm too. I'm glad you had it looked at and hope it improves very soon. Maybe throwing snowballs or building snowmen you pulled something?
Beautiful image.
Do hope your arm gets better. I have arthritis and sometimes my wrists are hellish- forearm pain is awful!
Be well. Take it easy. Pills help, but also mask.
Anita, my sympathies. I too am one armed at the moment. is it the Anita curse?
Very interesting. Hope your arm feels better soon.
Take care of the arm, sprains take a while to heal so be patient and care for it. :) Glad you were able to sketch. Nice one!
So glad it is only a sprain! Green also means: Anti Inflammatory drugs ease the pain.
Take care of the sprain. Try not to use the arm to much. Great Mono-colored drawing.
Sherrie Roberts
Sorry to hear about your arm, Anita. Kudos for managing to do a journal page anyway!
Glad to hear you are managing your pain. Hope your arm heals quickly. Your sketches are wonderful! So interesting to read about the color green too.
Hope your arm gets better soon. I love this - is that you in the sketch? Because I like it and it feels serene, usually yourself portraits seem not as gentle and soft. I also love green - I have been using green ink to write with for .. hmm .. since I was 17. I have to search for green refils all the time!
Keep inspiring us.
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