Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A Focus On Figures

My aim for 2009 is simple...To focus on figures as much as possible.

I have started a new Canson sketchbook just for family sketches and will be sketching the public in a variety of journals throughout the year. I'm also currently trying to line up some life models, portrait or figure, clothed or unclothed.

I'm chewing over some good places to sketch people, (living 3 miles from the village has it's disadvantages here)

All of the studies will be from life not photographs.

Although many or most of the works will be made directly in ink into my journals, I hope to experiment with mediums, techniques and styles and plan to have lots of fun.

I want to dare. To throw caution to the wind and fear into the gutter. To learn. To train my eye and Improve my skills.

I want perfection to become second nature but I'll settle for good likeness and proportion. Hmmm, No, actually I won't...I'm fibbing...

I want to be able to paint your portrait, perfectly, while swinging upside down, blind folded.

Impossible dreams - they are the very fuel that drive us, are they not?


Jess said...

I'm sure you'll get there too Anita. You're so good at daily drawing, an inspiration to me. I tend to plan to draw from life every day, then don't set the time aside to do it! My life classes start again next week so at least it'll be weekly :)
Good luck with this exciting new project, I look forward to watching your progress.x

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

These are really good, Anita. Your figures have a come a long way already. Enjoyed your recent jouranlling too. Love the chair.

Mark Kwasny said...

"I want to be able to paint your portrait, perfectly, while swinging upside down, blind folded."

Anita, I will do my darndest to jump across the pond to have you do a portrait of me! Upside down? Swinging? Blindfolded? I want to be at the station when that train arrives.

Been frustrated out of my gord with figures. But the victory is always sweet.

To a bold and beautiful 2009!


Joan Sandford-Cook said...

Good luck dear pal - though you don't need it with all that enthusiasm and talent - you'll achieve anything you set yourself - but blindfolded upsided down and swinging at the same time - now thats a challenge. .. get the swing erected Tom as Im going to keep her to it next time I visit!!!!