Friday, January 23, 2009

A Few Journal Pages

Well, as you can see from the spread above, my eldest is now home safe from his skiing trip to Bulgaria - He loved it but was so pleased to get home and EAT!
On Sunday, while Jake slept off his jetlag, Harry and I made clothes for my art manikins from old studio rag. I have no idea why we decided to do this but it was fun.

Late Sunday evening I felt awful and went to bed at 10pm!!! For me, that is unheard of. I felt like I had been hit by a bus and in the early hours of Monday morning it became very apparent I had caught Harry's bug...I spent Monday recovering with a good movie, pain killers and lots of fluids. Feeling much better now!


Joan Sandford-Cook said...

Hi toots - sorry you and Harry have been poorly - if it was that sickness bug you have my sympathies - horrid. Loved the clothed manikin sketch and the idea to do it. Glad you have your big boy back home safe and sound.

Sandy said...

First - I hope you feel better, January is crawling with 'bugs'. Second, love your sketches and Third you are destined to become a designer!!!!

Joan said...

Hope you're feeling healthy by now. There have been a lot of "bugs" going around here too. I love that sketch of the laundry coming out of the suitcase. So typical of the end of a vacation!

Jo Castillo said...

Feel better. I'm always amazed at how your make ordinary objects look so beautiful.

E-J said...

Really like these pages - especially that last one with the glimpse of your Vimto in its glass.

Harry is becoming a real art buddy to you! How exciting.

Serena Lewis said...

Sorry that you caught the bug, Anita....wonderful sketches though!