You may remember my plein air painting above from my recent trip to The Old Palace in Ely (You can read about my day and creative battle here)
Before leaving the palace, the rebel in me had one last attack of bravery and applied textured foliage to the piece with a knife.
This is how I brought the piece home:
On returning home I could see everything was a little 'wonky' probably due to my easel being too small for my canvas and me having to use it backwards which gave everything an unfortunate slant.
This morning I had half an hour or so free before my class arrived, so I set about straightening it all up and then, with no reference, allowed my creativity to dance.
Here is the result as it stands at this time:
...and a close up...
I'm feeling happier about it, I had alot of fun this morning and got so lost in the piece I didn't hear my class pull into the yard.
It is SUCH a challenge to paint plein air like that, particularly when the subject is a building (nightmare for me) and the medium is acrylics! I like your textured foliage, and think you made great improvements to the "wonk" :) Also like your strong use of colour where I might have been tempted, in your shoes, to go all wishy-washy and feeble.
Like the addition of blues - amazing how you have managed to reverse the principle of warm colours to the forefront and blues in the background - but it works - what are you a magician!!??
The final result is great! great texture, it gives a great tri-dimensional feel!
You took the wonk right out of the painting. The textured foliage really makes the building come alive.
It's looking wonderful, Anita. Beautiful texture.
Wow! I'm again amazed by your multi-talented creativity. You have so many different styles and you do them all fabulously!
Thanks E-J, glad you feel the foliage was indeed a last minute fling of creativity.
I really enjoyed painting outside with acrylics, this is the third time I have done so and each time has been so peaceful and relaxing.
LOL...You know how I like to break the rules Joannie...No magician but perhaps a rebel? LOL!
Thanks Kazum, not sure it's finished just yet but I have it sitting where it can be seen so I can decide.
Thanks Lisa, glad you like the foliage! :)
Thank you Casey!!!
Awww, thank you karen. :)
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