This is Wednesday. A short drive into Chatteris purely for sketching, the clippings from the weekend's hedge trimming, a cigarette break and a little TV before bed...Nothing special to read about if it was written in word but art makes everything so much more interesting doesn't it!

I have been missing double spreads in my sketchbook. I stopped creating them when I took on my newspaper column thinking the line through the middle would prove a problem in print. However, what I failed to see, until last week, was that I could still produce spreads if I didn't cross the page while drawing...Doh!
Why is it that the simple things can often be invisible to us?
Anyway, the penny has finally dropped, as the saying goes, and here is what these two pages look like in my beautiful Birthday book side by side.

This is a really lovely house and you have done a grand job of it. Your lines are just so straight and love the touch of the TV aerial
Is this the end of Railway Lane that is by the little roundabout next to the undertakers if so my son lives in Cranes Yard which is down the gated little driveway beside the pathway down to the school
Thanks Terry!
No, this is the end with the fire station and the little thatched cottage. I would have sketched the cottage but workmen were parked where I wanted to be so this house became my substitute.
There is some beautiful architecture in Chatteris. I'll look out for Cranes Yard next time I'm there!
Love them all, especially the sky behind the steeple.
When a penny has finally dropped here, I call it a lightbulb moment or a lightbulb comes on. It used to upset me when a simple solution wasn't immediately apparent, but now appreciate the times the solutions are immediate and roll my eyes at myself when they take awhile.
Lovely job....very cohesive and will be a perfect post
Thanks Jenny!
Yes, I remember distinctively rolling my eyes too!
Thanks Margaret!
You've got quite a variety of lovely sketches here. Nice!
Wonderful compostition...love the large graphic "4" :)
Thankyou Joan and Margaret!
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