Friday brought the end to what seemed a long week being the first week back to school after two weeks Easter holiday. It also brought lots of goodies in the post ordered with my Birthday money!
Danny Gregory's - Creative License BookSimon Schama's - Power Of Art 3 DVD setLust For Life - Old Movie where Kirk Douglas plays Van Goghand...
I also bought myself the DVD
'Music and Lyrics' while shopping at Tesco for just £3 - Bargain!
I'm itching to watch them all and get my teeth into Danny's book, believe it or not, it's the first of his books I have purchased so I'm looking forward to it. I'm not much of a reader, I get restless and flip and skip alot. I have yet to read an art book cover to cover, perhaps I'll face this challenge with Danny's book?
Fun are all set for a good read...and bytw if i remember correctly lust for life is a great book too...been a LONG time since i read it though
Sorry about the deletion fingers flying faster than my mind is will love the book...guaranteed! :)
I read The Creative License a couple of weeks ago. Enjoyed it very much. When I first got it I sort of jumped about and read bits here and there before reading it from front to back.
I had no idea there was a book too Margaret...Thanks.
No worries MargaretAnn, I deleted it. I've flicked and I like what I've read so far. Now to start at the beginning and keep at it...I can do this!
Oh, glad to hear that Alan, that's what I've been doing 'jumping' around. There is hope for me yet then!
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